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Meeting Notes 11th April 2005

Points raised at the meeting .

1. In view of Taggers taking the position of refusing any BRR member discount without the production of a Member ID card, we are to introduce this scheme.
Steven will print them and Shirley will laminate and cut them. These will be numbered and have an expiry date valid for 3 years.

2. Everyone who gets a card will be in the Members Only area as it is now, but with a number added, so anyone who is NOT in the members area, please send in a brief as seen there and a small photo and I'll include it, if you're NOT in the Members area you will not get a card. If you don't have the password, email or text and I'll forward it to bona fide members.

3. In view of some members not wishing or able to receive emails, I had suggested that I would text them for any BRR news, however I think it is impractical as can be seen with these notes, it would be a hell of a long text, so I propose that any BRR business will be posted on site asap, with a link on the home page, that way any member can just look in on the site and check what's going on.

4. It was unanimously agreed that money raised for charity at the Xmas bash, (This was printed on the tickets) must be given in full asap all £875, any monies already used from this for ANY other purpose must be reinstated and a whip round undertaken to raise the short fall. As charitable people we should just give the money asap, we have DEPRIVED some poor sick children in desperate need for FOUR MONTHS just because some BRR members want some kind of recognition and publicity, what kind of people are we, to put our egos before the need of children. The money should be given BEFORE the next meeting on the 9th May 2005.

I want to receive from ALL of you a positive vote on this, once and for all, Vote YES if you want to give ALL the £875 before the next Meeting vote NO if you want to keep the money for a summer run for maximum publicity and deprive some children charity of another couple of MONTHS the use of the money

5. A unanimous vote was taken that we should have a constitution drawn up.

Rule One: There is no rules.
Rule Two: No poofs
Rule Three: None of the above apply.

Lee - Steven BAD, Big Steve, Maurice, Colin, Tony, Andy, Caroline, Danni, Shirley, Ian, Jane Bendall, Dave Cox, Pete Wright, Robin, Trevor, Jane Leigh, Golden Rod,
Mandy Thomas, Gary "Woody" Cocks

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